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Quad 6 Grant Writing Mastermind

The Grant Writers Mastermind in 6-months course designed for those responsible for grants and fund development as a profession or business. The course equips participants who desire to write $1,000s to $1,000,000s in grants & contracts with proven strategies and obtain skills and resources to generate income through six streams. The course provides the tools and resources necessary to succeed in grant writing and create a supportive community to help grant writers grow and achieve success.


Starting date

February 20


6 Months
36 Hours



What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

This course helps students master the art of grant writing, including proven strategies and resources to secure funding. They will learn how to generate income through six different streams, including speaking, grant writing, products, training, consulting, and evaluations. Additionally, they will be provided with access to unique tools, tips, and techniques, and the technology to streamline their grant writing process and achieve success in half the time.
Throughout this course you will, you will learn how to master grant writing and generate income through multiple streams by leveraging the expertise and mentorship of seasoned expert Dr. Barbara Wright.

  • Learn from an experienced professional with a proven track record of securing over $150,000,000 in grants, contracts, and loans.
  • Gain access to unique tools, tips, and techniques, and advanced technology to streamline your grant writing process and achieve success in half the time.
  • Develop proven strategies and resources to secure funding and generate income through six different streams, including speaking, grant writing, products, training, consulting, and evaluations.
  • Participate in a supportive community of grant writers and fund developers, where you can receive feedback and work collaboratively with others to achieve success.
  • Unlock your potential to earn a six-figure income in the grant writing and fund development field.

Quad 6 Grant Writing Mastermind in 6 Months

Write your awesome label here.
  • Author
    Dr. Barbara Wright
  • Level
  • Study time
    36 Hours
  • Video time
    2 hours
  • Exams
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